Monday, 20 August 2012

Day Three: August 20th

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, I look like a monkey and I'm quite the fatty.

I hate birthdays. This one was no exception.

The day started off well. I went on a jog, had special k and a banana. However after that things  went shit. I had one whole cupcake and the icing off another two. I had a handful of chips and a pizza. I had a huge slice of biscuit cake. I feel so bloated, embarrassed, weak and disgusting. I need to remember this feeling the next time I'm about to binge.

I guess tomorrows a new day?

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Day One. 18th of August 2012

Today was the first day of the rest of my life. It was tough because I didn't sleep well the night before. Regardless, I woke up at seven and went for a 30minute jog (which consisted of 20 minutes of speed walking, 10 minutes of jogging and 7 minutes of stopping to catch my breath). Afterwards I brought my dog for a walk in his tired stupour. My food intake today was okay I think. I had special k for breakfast, toast for  lunch, an apple, 2 capri sonnes, water, chips and chicken for dinner and another bowl of special K. I played badmitton during the day and tried to stay active. However at 6 the early rise caught up with me and I feel asleep for four hours. I do think it was a decent start. I ate well enough and exercised. If I keep this up I should start seeing results. I looked ridiculous on my jog but we all have to start somewhere don't we?
That's all for now.

'I'll never be as fat as I was the day before. Ever again.'


1000 Reasons to Lose Weight: Reasons to Lose Weight1000 Reasons to Lose Weight: Reasons to Lose Weight1000 Reasons to Lose Weight1000 Reasons to Lose Weight: Reasons to Lose Weight1000 Reasons to Lose Weight: Reasons to Lose Weight1000 Reasons to Lose Weight:

Be sure, positive and persistent.

Nina Dobrev Hot